Neotyphodium Hyphae in Intercellular Spaces of Host Cells

Hyphal compartments are small (about 2 mm in diameter and a median length of 25 mm) compared with grass leaf cells (e.g., epidermal cells are about 500 mm long), and they represent a small proportion of the biomass of the symbiotum (Fig. 14-5). Colonizing hyphae remain extracellular in all infected plant tissues, although the hyphae usually are found in close contact with the host, apparently attached to the cell wall (Fig. 14-6).


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Fig. 14-5. Tall fescue leaf sheath infected with numerous Neotyphodium coenophialum hyphae (-->) in the intercellular spaces.


Fig. 14-6. Two Neotyphodium lolii hyphae (-->) in the intercellular spaces of a ryegrass leaf blade. The hyphae are not round and appear firmly attached to host mesophyll cells.


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