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Fig. 3-7. Growth response of tall fescue to salinity: Y=(101.00-3.28)(x-0.19x2) (R2=0.99). (Suitability categories defined as: <5.99, well-suited; 5.99-9.89, moderately suited; 9.89-13.15, marginally suited; >13.15, not suited.)

Salinity was expressed in terms of electrical conductivity in units of deciSiemens per meter (millimhos per centimeter) in the United States and using total salt content in China. When only categorical values were given, grid cells were assigned a "worst case" value based on the categories shown in Table 3-2.

Relative growth as a function of soil salinity for tall fescue is provided in Fig. 3-7 based on data from the National Range and Pasture Handbook (USDA-NRCS, 2006b), with suitability categories defined as follows, using the above-described units: well-suited, <5.99; moderately suited, 5.99-9.89; marginally suited, 9.89-13.15; unsuited >13.15 (Table 3-1, Figures 3-7a and b).

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Table 3-1. Limit input values in the PRISM Species Suitability Model for setting tall fescue suitability categories. Grid locations for which values fall outside the threshold extremes are mapped as unsuited for tall fescue.



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Fig. 3-7a. Tall fescue suitability map for conterminous US based only on soil salinity tolerance values using 0-5.99, 5.99-9.89 and 9.89-13.15 for well-suited, moderately-suited, and marginally-suited classifications.

  Fig. 3-7b. Tall fescue suitability map for PRC based only on soil salinity tolerance values using 0-5.99, 5.99-9.89 and 9.89-13.15 for well-suited, moderately-suited, and marginally-suited classifications.


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