To assist readers in their initial search for suppliers, the following is a nonexhaustive list of current tall fescue seed suppliers in major markets. There was no attempt to include every producer, marketer, distributor, or retailer in every region, but rather to provide at least one that supplies a significant portion of the tall fescue seed market in each country or region where tall fescue pastures and seed are significant. It is anticipated that updates of this list will be made periodically in the online version of this monograph. (URLs verified 10 Jan. 2010.)



Suppliers in Australia


Heritage Seeds Pty Ltd, 7-9 McDonalds Lane, P.O. Box 4020, Mulgrave, Melbourne, Vic 3170, Australia. Tel.: + 61 3 9501 7000. (

PGG Seeds Australia, P.O. Box 1042, Doncaster East, Melbourne Vic 3109, Australia. Tel.: + 61 3 9894 8974. (

Wrightson Seeds (Australia) Pty Ltd, 7-9 Distribution Drive, Truganina, P.O. Box 333, Laverton North, Melbourne Vic 3026, Australia. Tel. + 61 3 9343 3400. (



Suppliers in Europe


DLF Trifolium A/S, Ny Oostergade 9, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark. Tel. + 45 46 330 300. (

RAGT Semences, rue Emile Singla- B.P. 3357, 12033 RODEZ Cedex 9, France. Tel. + 33 5 65 73 41 00. (

Barenbrug Holland BV, P.O. Box 4, 6678 ZG Oosterhout (Gld), Holland. Tel. + 31 24 348 8100. (



Suppliers in New Zealand


Agricom Limited, 411 Blenheim Rd, Sockburn, P.O. Box 3761, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand. Tel.: + 64 3 341 4580. (

New Zealand Agriseeds Ltd, 2547 Old West Coast Road, RD 1, Christchurch 7671, New Zealand. Tel. + 64 3 318 8514. (

Wrightson Seeds Ltd, 57 Waterloo Road, Hornby, P.O. Box 939, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand. Tel. + 64 3 372 0834. (



Suppliers in South America


Alfalfares PGG Wrightson, Lavalle 909, Piso 1°, Oficina A, (B1648CMT) Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel. + 54 11 4731 4040. (

Anasac SACEI, Almirante Pastene 300, Providencia, Santiago, Chile, Tel. + 56 2 4706800. (

Barenbrug Argentina, A. Condarco 612, Pergamino, Argentina, Tel. + 54 2477 433230. (

Estero SA, Alberdi 6420, CP 11500, Montevideo, Uruguay, Tel. + 598 2 6019706. (

Fadisol SA, Ruta 12 y Ruta 55, Ombúes de Lavalle, Colonia 70003, Uruguay, Tel. + 598 576 2283. (

Gentos SA, Corrientes St 1099, (B1636GES) Olivos, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel. + 54 11 4794 1144. (

Wrightson Pas, Máximo Santos 4900, Montevideo, Uruguay, Tel. + 598 2 3557753. (



Suppliers in the United States


Allied Seed LLC, 9311 Highway 45, Nampa ID 83686, USA, Tel. + 1 208 466 6700. (

Ampac Seed Company, 32727 Highway 99E, P.O. Box 318, Tangent, OR 97389, USA. Tel. + 1 541 928 1651. (

Barenbrug USA, Inc., 33477 Highway 99E, P.O. Box 239, Tangent, OR 97389, USA. Tel. + 1 541 926 5801. (

DLF International Seeds, Inc., 175 West H Street, P.O. Box 229, Halsey, OR 97348, USA. Tel. + 1 541 369 2251. (

FFR Cooperative, 4846 East 450N Road, Lafayette, IN 47905, USA. Tel. + 1 765 589 3123. (

Forage First, 2901 Packers Ave., Madison, WI 53707, USA. Tel. + 1 800 356 7333. (

Pennington Seed, Inc., 1280 Atlanta Highway, P.O. Box 290, Madison, GA 30650, USA. Tel. + 1 706 342 1234. (


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