Queensland and North Coast of New South Wales

Tall fescue is not as well adapted to this area (Fig. 7-5). However, it has performed better at Gatton under irrigation than perennial and annual (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) ryegrasses. At Mutdapilly, pasture growth and dairy milk production were good (Lowe et al., 1996), and tall fescue had better persistence during the first 3 yr (Lowe and Bowdler, 1995). Although irrigation is highly preferred in inland areas, some coastal areas have summer rainfall reliable enough for good tall fescue production and persistence. Tall fescue also may be useful in Central Queensland Tableland regions. Mediterranean types are less suited than continental cultivars in this general area because of the rainfall pattern, mitigated in places with irrigation and the use of cultivars with novel endophytes.


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Fig. 7-5. Areas suitable for Mediterranean and continental tall fescues in Queensland and northern New South Wales.


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