
Tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.] is a productive, widely adapted, cool-season perennial grass. It is characterized by having one of the longest growing seasons among cool-season grasses. The primary objective of this chapter is to present management strategies that can extend the grazing season for animals grazing tall fescue pastures, in particular, those that result in more even yield distribution across seasons. Such strategies employ fertilizer management, legume interseeding, and stockpiling. The secondary objective of this chapter is to suggest a management strategy for alleviating the negative performance of cattle grazing tall fescue infested with the toxic endophyte Neotyphodium coenophialum (Morgan-Jones and Gams) Glenn, Bacon, and Hanlin. These particular strategies include incremental alleviation and alkaloid management, both of which include a set of specific practices that improve livestock health and production


Keywords: Grazing, yield distribution, stockpiling, fertilization, toxicosis, alkaloid management.

Abbreviations: E+, infected by wild Neotyphodium endophyte. 


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Table of Contents

Tall Fescue Monograph

See Related Information In:

Chapter 5: Grazing Management

Chapter 7: Introduction 

Chapter 9: Introduction

Chapter 11: Management Strategies

Chapter 15: Where Is the Endophyte Found? 

Chapter 16: Strategies to Reduce Toxicosis Severity

Chapter 16: Managing Forage Systems

Chapter 17: Pasture Management 

Chapter 19: Traits of Interest in Tall Fescue Breeding

Chapter 20: Marketing and On-Farm Establishment 

Chapter 23: Grazing and Closing Date
