Table 5-3. Sample calendar of operations for eliminating E+ tall fescue before re-establishing with E- or novel endophyte for the U.S. mid-South.

Mid spring:


Take soil samples for determining soil pH and fertility status of soil. Apply agricultural limestone if pH is below 5.5. Apply P and K fertilizers as needed to provide medium levels of fertility based on soil tests.


Kill all vegetation by chemical or mechanical means. No-till seeding will require chemical kill.


Graze or cut infested tall fescue stand for hay until early May.


Do not allow seed production.


Remove excess growth by cutting or grazing before spraying. Spray with paraquat (1.5 L in 185 L water/ha) or glyphosate (4.5 L/ha) when tall fescue is 5 to 8 cm tall. After green regrowth (10-15 d) spray again with paraquat. Each paraquat application should include 1 to 2 L of nonionic surfactant per 380 L of spray. Use at 240 kPa pressure with flat fan nozzles 50 cm apart at 45 to 50 cm above vegetation. For better control of perennial weeds, use glyphosate for the first spray.

Late spring:


Plant Roundup-Ready (Monsanto, St. Louis, MO) soybean or corn, which allow the use of Roundup as needed during the growing season, OR.


If hay or pasture is needed, drill a sudangrass hybrid, sudangrass, or pearl millet into the tall fescue stubble.


Ascertain availability of desired seed for fall delivery, or place order for delivery just before seeding.

Late summer to very early autumn:


Remove and kill remaining summer annual with paraquat, or cultivate mechanically.

Early to mid autumn:


Drill seed of the selected tall fescue cultivar at recommended rates for the region, usually about 8 to 10 kg/ha.


After seedling emergence, apply 30 to 40 kg N/ha.


If clover is desired in pasture, overseed it the following late winter, after removing growth of tall fescue by grazing or clipping; white clover seed is inoculated with fresh Rhizobium strain and seeded at 1.5 to 2 kg/ha.

Mid spring of the next year:


If no clovers were seeded, fertilize with N, about 50 to 60 kg N/ha.


If no clovers were seeded, spray for broadleaf weeds if present.


Initiate grazing at a moderate intensity after soil is dry enough so that seedlings will not be trampled.


Remove grazing animals when standing growth of tall fescue reaches 10 to 15 cm in height.


Forage can be harvested for hay as an alternative to grazing.


<--Timing of Operations

Table of Contents

Tall Fescue Monograph