Table 5-2. Management options for switching from endophyte infected to nontoxic endophyte or endophyte free tall fescue with a spring seeding.
Season of changeover year
Spring kill |
Fall kill |
Spring |
Kill tall fescue by tillage or herbicide; then plant annual summer crop using approved weed control practices.† |
Graze or closely clip tall fescue to prevent seed formation. |
Summer |
Grow and harvest for silage or green-chop, or graze summer crop. |
Graze very closely. |
Kill vegetation by tillage or herbicide, then seed winter annual forage to be grazed or used for hay or silage by |
Kill tall fescue by tillage, or with first herbicide spray applied to actively growing vegetation, then fallow.‡ |
Late winter to early spring |
Clip vegetation to 7 to 8 cm if needed, then kill with herbicide when actively growing back; then no-till seed endophyte free or nontoxic endophyte tall fescue. Do not graze new seedlings for 60 d after last spray or until seedlings are 15 cm tall.¶ |
Kill actively growing vegetation with herbicide; then no-till seed endophyte free or nontoxic tall fescue. Do not graze new seedlings for 60 d after last spray or until seedlings are 15 cm tall.# |
Mid-spring and later |
Do not graze new tall fescue stands closely during the first year. |
Do not graze new tall fescue stands closely during the first year. |
† Suitable summer crops are those that can be harvested early enough to permit early fall seeding of nontoxic or endophyte free tall fescue, such as early-maturing corn for grain, corn for silage, grain sorghum, annual summer forage crops, and soybean for hay.
‡ 2.3 L/ha of paraquat plus nonionic surfactant in 75 to 150 L/ha of water, or 4.6 L/ha of glyphosate plus nonionic surfactant in 20 to 40 L/ha of water, broadcast on short, actively growing tall fescue. Consult most recent copy of herbicide label for any changes before application.
§ Cool season annual crops, such as wheat (Triticum spp.) or rye (Secale cereale L.).
¶ 1.2 L/ha of paraquat plus nonionic surfactant in 75 to 150 L/ha of water, broadcast on short, actively growing tall fescue regrowth. Consult most recent copy of herbicide label for any changes before application.
# 1.2 L/ha of paraquat plus nonionic surfactant in 75 to 150 L/ha of water, broadcast on short, actively growing tall fescue regrowth, immediately before seeding fescue. Consult most recent copy of herbicide label for any changes before application.