Forage Breeding in the US 

Name two types of pollination in forage plants.
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________

List three characteristics commonly sought in forage breeding.
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________

Briefly define the following:
phenotype: __________________________________________________________
stocker seed:________________________________________________________________

Compare and contrast the forage breeding process in Europe and the US.

Briefly explain how forage breeding is more difficult than cereal crop breeding.

Diagram and write a short paragraph discussing seed certification.

Calculation: The following perennial forage species are listed with their respective chromosome number: smooth bromegrass 42, bermudagrass 30, tall fescue 42, orchardgrass 28, reed canarygrass 28, timothy 42, alfalfa 32, birdsfoot trefoil 24, and Kentucky bluegrass 56. Determine the average chromosomes for forage species, the range and median of the group.