
In this chapter, we review research on tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.] seed production in Oregon and New Zealand, including seed certification requirements; crop establishment; agronomic and nutrient management; effects of weeds, diseases, and plant growth regulators; and harvest and post harvest managements. Establishing tall fescue in spring with a companion crop has economic benefits for seed production, while delays in fall sowing result in low seed yields at first harvest. Plant growth regulators have had a significant impact in tall fescue seed production, with seed yield increases in most trials exceeding 50% of the untreated control.

Keywords: certification requirements, seed production management, seed harvest, plant growth regulators

Abbreviations: AMS, ammonium sulphate; DAA, days after anthesis; EE, ear emergence; FAR, Foundation for Arable Research; OSCS, Oregon Seed Certification Service; SMC, seed moisture content; TSW, 1000-seed weight.


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Table of Contents

Tall Fescue Monograph

See Related Information In:

Chapter 5: Seed Placement

Chapter 16: Removal of Fungus

Chapter 18: Introduction

Chapter 19: Traits of Interest in Tall Fescue Breeding

Chapter 24: Stem Rust

Chapter 25: Introduction
